Case Study: Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Products
ACC Flooring Ltd was asked by a long standing client to resolve an issue of standing water in a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.
Due to some modifications which the client had carried out to the area, standing water was causing both a hygiene issue & a potential slip hazard.
The substrate was marked out prior to the diamond saw cutting of the concrete & the removal of all spoils. A new connection was made before the installation of a new Blucher UK stainless steel gulley pot. The underground pipework was then connected to the existing gulley.
The new drainage system was then back filled with ACC Bulk a resin rich heavy duty polyurethane repair mortar which is hand trowelled to a thickness of 10 – 60mm depending upon the nature of the application or repair.
Altro Screed epoxy quartz system @ 4mm was then installed to match the existing flooring with 2 coats of Altro Screed clear seal to complete the application.
The client was delighted with the result with all the work completed over a 3 day timeframe causing minimal amount of downtime.